

The Integrated Code Y357, and its many applicable tools, is an attempt to venture into untraveled waters and produce some unknown and not yet revealed or realized aspects of possible pathways that will allow the exploration of new domains in human society and human interaction, now, and in the future. It is an initial attempt to highlight several perceptive views, references and tools that may facilitate multiple domains of application at this time.

This methodological toolkit can be utilized by innovators, teachers, students and leaders, as well as teams and organizations who may seek ways to cope with the integrated multiplicity of these new emerging times, as patterns of the past are gradually receding.

This interim transitional time is accompanied and characterized by much uncertainty as many elements of human society are desperately seeking to find some safety in known forms, whilst many indications of a newly emerging future are perceived as a threat. However, it becomes evident that traditional social and economic structure are not enough to cope with the newly emerging trends that wash through most dimensions of the human society currently.

Developed by PENZA perception Lab, and lead by Prof. Ezri Tarazi, The Y357 workshop is going to unfold the code through EIT Urban Mobility challenges, using the real case of the current crisis as a platform to exercise and learn by applying.

Y3 – Integrated Purpose

An integrated domain ranging from the question of the reasons why we wish to embark on any path, to the ability to perceive the logic of what motivates things, and how that may connect to a person’s individual aim and purpose in life, as part of a greater universal human context.

Y5 – Integrated Assembly

The 5 domains of human aspects, ranging from the development of creativity, to genuine teamwork, the keeping of integrity and ethics, practical application and usage and the development of perception and new comprehension – leading to a connective pathway to the 5 natural human intelligences – both internally and externally.

Y7 – Integrated Process

The 7-dimensional methodology of the innovation process. It is a methodology aimed at facilitating the exploration of current and futuristic needs of the human society, develop new ideas and concepts to facilitate them, and bring these ideas towards tangible application and growth. Y7 therefore ranges from the awareness of real needs inside the complex multi-faceted environment of human life today, to how to create new innovative solutions in a balanced, sustainable and safe way. Y7 helps to integrate Design-Thinking, Lean, and Agile methodologies into one flow from PLOW to HARVEST.


Y3 – Integrated Purpose – Tuning to higher purpose and motivating reason.

Y5 – Integrated Assembly – Development and generation of 5 internal and 5 external natural intelligences.

Y7 – Integrated Process

The creative process of developing innovative solutions to the needs of the future and their implementation.

The Y3·Y5·Y7 Integrated Code stems from a book that soon will be published in 2021.